The Other Woman Speaks…

In the beginning it wasn’t complicated. It wasn’t complicated because emotions had not gotten in the way. Royce realized that Love had thwarted his plans to just have a casual fling. He realized he had fallen in love with The Other Woman; just by being in her presence and talking to her. Royce was undoubtedly confused; he didn’t know what to do. She is a good listener and very smart. She would give him the attention that he wasn’t receiving at home. Falling in love was definitely not something he wanted to do. Falling in love was not something he wanted to admit to himself or her. Royce did not want her to see anyone but him; it made his blood boil just thinking about the possibility of another man being in her presence. If he knew she was out on a date, he would wait at her house until she arrived home. It didn’t matter how late it was he would just sit there and wait. Oddly enough he would have a temper tantrum because she went out with someone else. He was jealous and he had never dealt with feeling this way before. The Other Woman had become Royce’s primary focus. His life was becoming more complicated by the second. He said,” It has only been 3 months.” ” We haven’t even had sex yet; we just love talking to each other.” Deep down inside he was ready; he had been ready and wanted to badly. Being that close to her was all he could think about. Her scent was intoxicating. She had a gentle way about her that just draws you in.  It wasn’t that she was trying to make him upset. He was unable to take her out on dates. He couldn’t be seen in public with her, he just couldn’t take the chance of someone seeing him…

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